Bring stories together
in a perfect gift

Create an unforgettable gift by bringing together stories, photos and videos with family, friends and colleagues.

100% Satisfaction guarantee

Your satisfaction is our only goal

Gather stories instantly

Share your link to gather stories

Easy-to-use editor

Chose out of more than 100 templates

7 Days delivery time

Quick delivery within BE or NL

How does it work

1. Chose a template

Chose one of the 100 available templates.

2. Share your link

Chose some questions and share the link to gather beautiful stories.

3. Personalise your book

Design your print for a perfect result and select the desired finish. 

4. Print with love

Relive the beautiful moments in your unqiue book, magazine or other print. 

Bring stories together

Share your link to gather appreciation, photos and videos for a print.



Bring the beautiful moments together in a story book for someone's birthday. 
Immortalise your most beautiful day through stories, photos and videos.
Bring the stories together to celebrate the amazing impact and experiences of someone's career.
Bring the memories of your family together in one place with Relivo, digital or in your personalised book. 
Bring the beautiful moments of all colleagues together for an unforgettable goodbye present.
Relivo can be used to capture the nice moments of a class group in a book or magazine.
The perfect gift for the bride and/or groom to capture the moments of the past and present.
Collect the precious moments in your baby's first years in a lovely book.


What a fantastisch initiative. Easy in use (before as well as after), quick service and a stunning final result. Our mother was so happy with the beautiful photo book for het 65th birthday!

Mien Gheyssens
A super nice gift to bundle memories, pictures, videos or stories of friends/family. 
Portrait of a woman
Olivia Leyn
Real estate agent
A very original gift for someone's birthday. Super customer service, you get a very quick reply. The book we had made bundled all kinds of great memories into one. Brilliant concept!
Mathieu Vaneste
Marketing manager
Wonderful gift, professionally composed and printed in high quality in luxury albums, beautifully packaged. Top quality!
Jos Callens
Doctor AZ Klina
I thought Relivo's concept was amazing for my husband's 40th birthday! Highly recommended ❤️😍
If you're looking for an original gift that someone really won't expect, you've come to the right site. It's a fun process from start to end.
Jasper Van Oost
Surf Mentor, BoardX
The best gift ever, a super pretty book full of fun memories, photos and even videos that you can scan via a QR code!!! It is very easy to reach a large audience (family and friends) through 1 simple link, so everyone can easily share photos and videos that all come together in 1 beautiful book.
Clarisse Arnou
I was completely surprised to see all the beautiful videos and messages from family and friends on my birthday. It was a gift I never expected, but heartwarming to receive.

Frank Bonte
tennis Trainer

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